Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Strength Made Perfect in Weakness

"When we're stressed or going through a difficult time, we can quickly lose sight of our worth.

We feel small, unseen, incapable, and of little value.

It seems everyone else is doing better, has more, or is really making a difference.

But not us.

We withdraw and start believing we don't have anything to contribute—at least not until things are better in our lives.

But there is only one answer to the question, "When and where does God want to use me?"and it's always, "Right now, right here."

You may think you have nothing to offer.

You may want to run and hide.

You may tell yourself, "I'll only be in the way."

But still God asks, quietly and persistently, "Will you let me use you, right here and right now?"

Your weaknesses and struggles are not reasons for him to give up on you.

Instead, they're opportunities for you to show his strength in ways you simply can't on your best days.

The apostle Paul wrestled with a "thorn in his flesh"(see 2 Cor. 12: 7).

We don't know what it was exactly, only that it was an ongoing source of difficulty for him.

He begged God to take it away, and many of us are familiar with the divine response.

God said, "My strength is made perfect in weakness"(2 Cor. 12: 9 NKJV).

In other words, the very places and times when you feel God can use you least are when he may actually shine through you most."

- "You're Going to be Okay"

Stay Strong!

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