Wednesday, August 13, 2014

[Stay Strong] Shame on us..

"When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and your strength.

Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living.

If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself."
      - Tecumseh

What an accurate quote!

We all have such abundance and blessings compared to the rest of the world.

It is staggering and criminal what we all take for granted every single day! 

If we but reflect for a moment on what other human beings in other countries, and even in our own backyard, lack, have to endure on a daily basis, and can only dream about, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves for taking these precious gifts for granted!

Therefore, endeavor to give thanks for all we have and thank the Lord we live where we do, in the time that we do, and with all the opportunities that we have afforded to us.

We all have our struggles,  challenges and storms that we must navigate.

Some have worse storms than others right now.

I know some of us are in the fight of our lives, feeling adrift at sea in complete darkness with what seems like ceaseless waves continuously battering our ship - with no clear view of light or land right now.

Hope is a fragile and seemingly elusive concept at times like these!

Regardless, you have to stay at the helm and vow to never lose sight of the fact that light is about to break!!

The wind and rain will soon subside and open up to clear skies and sunshine!

This is a Fact!! 

Help is on the way! Relief is in sight!!

The key thing to remember is that with Faith and Hope there is NO storm that can capsize us unless we allow it to!

Please offer prayers to those less fortunate than all of us who face unimaginable, daunting challenges of staggering proportions every minute of every day!!

Regardless of our current trials, worries and challenges, we have no idea just how truly blessed we are!

Stay at the helm - Resist Fear!  Rely on Faith and the dawn and clear blue skies are imminent!!

Stay Strong!!

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