Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Snap out of it

"Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have."
- Dale Carnegie

Good ole Dale!  He sure knows what he is talking about.

Just as worry and regret are useless and energy-sapping behaviors, lamenting and feeling sorry for ourselves is also a gigantic energy waster!!

Recognize this triumvirate of uselessness as they rear their ugly heads in our daily travels and resolve to snap out of the funk immediately!!

Forcefully replace fear, worry and regret with hope, faith and ACTION!

Ruminating on the fact that life has thrown you a curveball and that you are in the midst of a storm will not do us any good in our attempts to move forward to clearer and calmer seas!

We must say to ourselves "this is not where I want to be in my life right now, but it is happening for a reason!"

We have two choices while battling a storm... we can crawl in the corner and close our eyes - and allow the waves to keep thrashing us about mercilessly.

OR we can put our heads down, focus on moving ahead and forward and through hope, optimism, and faith we will come through the tempest on the other side a stronger and wiser person!

Take Control of the only thing we can control - our actions and reactions to any trial or challenge that we encounter!!

Your "current state" will only remain "current" as long as you allow it to remain in that state!

Step up and change it today!!!!!

You just have to want to move ahead and change it!!! And then take the necessary steps toward it!!

Expect the Best - because the Best is imminent and yours for the taking!


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