Friday, February 15, 2013

Banish Worry!!! TODAY!!

"It is not work that kills men; it is worry.
Worry is rust upon the blade."
- Henry Ward Beecher

It is a staggering fact that we often spend days, weeks, and sometimes years ruminating and beating ourselves up over something that may have taken only a few seconds to occur!!!

How many things do you have bouncing around in your head that happened many years ago yet you are still thinking about it, lamenting, regretting and re-living it???

How crazy is that???  How silly does that sound?!!

The good news is we all possess the power and ability to stop this insane activity TODAY!!!!

Treat today as a starting point to a NEW chapter in your life!

Declare it now!!!!  The past is behind us!!!!  

We cannot change what has already Shakespeare famously wrote;

"What is done is done and cannot be undone."

So why in the world would we continue to re-live it and worry about it?

Sure, we always can and indeed should learn from past events and correct anything we deem necessary to fix, BUT only with a focus on moving forward!!!

Leave the past where it belongs - YOUR time is NOW!!!

Life is short not waste a valuable minute worrying and re-hashing the past!!! 

It does nothing to help us!!!!  Zero!!

Remember, there is a plan..and everything works out!!!!

Stay Strong! !!!

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