Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I used to feel Valentine's Day was just a Hallmark invented holiday designed simply to sell cards, candy and chocolates to the masses. 

I still feel that is the true intention of the day, however, I have come to realize it does not have to be the sole intention afterall.

Sure, like Christmas and most of our holidays in the US, over- commercialization is the standard.

The media overload us with the material aspect of every official gathering and the requisite purchases we MUST make or else we risk ruining the moment!

God forbid!

I realized that having a day set aside to celebrate LOVE is not necessarily a bad thing and I have corralled my skepticism a bit in order to accept this holiday.

Now, the typical Valentine's Day seems to focus solely on romantic love, but it does not have to be that way!!!

Take some time today to acknowledge the people you love in your life today...romantic or otherwise.

You do not need elaborate gifts or plans, simply reach out to those people in your lives and let them know they are loved and appreciated!!!

Do not miss the opportunity to spread some good karma and love around....and there is no time like the present!!!

Stay Strong!!!

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