Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Happiness depends, as Nature shows, less on exterior things than most suppose.
~ William Cowper

As Thanksgiving is upon us, it is necessary for all of us to truly reflect on our lives and give thanks for all that we have and can call Blessings!!

We are in a time of almost unprecedented financial distress in this world and all indications are that it may get worse before it gets better. No matter how wealthy you are, you are affected by this worldwide slowdown and anxiety ridden period.

Nonetheless, there is so much in our lives that we must take pause and give thanks for despite the troubles in the world around us today!

I give thanks for all of you, first and foremost!!  Without the love of my family and friends, life would not be worth the living and certainly would not hold the value that it does because of you all!!

We are in this life together and must rely on each other to survive!!!

Enjoy this Thanksgiving holiday from the world's troubles tomorrow and really try to take inventory on all of the many blessing in our lives that we overlook every single day in the rat race we constantly endure!! 

You do not have to look too deeply either. Start with "just being here", healthy, to enjoy the day and you will already have one on the list that many people cannot claim!!! The rest of them pile up from there!

God bless and thank you for blessing my life with your love and friendship!!! 

Enjoy your day!!



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