Thursday, September 16, 2010

Be Not Afraid

Life is not easy!!

It is full of challenges and tribulations and hurdles and obstacles, disappointments, failures, anxieties, and the fear of the unknown!!

This is Life unfortunately!! 

But on the flip side, Life is full of wonderful things as well. 

We often miss these beautiful aspects of life as we wade in the daily toils of our lives and only when it is too late do we look back on what we missed!

Do not let this happen to you!!

We all have the ability to rise above the daily struggles and place our eyes on the larger meaning of life - and we OWE it to ourselves to do this on a daily basis!!!!

Whether it is when you lay your head on your pillow, wake up at dawn, on the train, in the car, at your desk, or during some down time in your day - TAKE THE MOMEMT to reflect on what your life is SUPPOSED to be!!

Do not let FEAR - our biggest inhibitor of progress, peace and happiness- interfere in what God has intended us to experience!

We all strive for a life of ease and luxury!  Well, guess what -- I do not believe that is why we were put on thie Earth! 

I believe we were put here to struggle, to grow and develop through challenges, hard times, and difficulties!

I also believe we were put here to ASSIST others in THEIR struggles and challenges as part of our GROWTH as Human beings!!

Therefore, when life has you on the ropes and down for the count - do not QUIT, do not lament and take a woe is me approach!!

Instead, EMBRACE the challenge!!  Change your perspective on this!!

FOCUS on the solutions and the ways in which you can CHANGE your situation for the better!

None of us is chained to our current situations - no matter how bleak or dire it appears!  We ALL have the ability to rise above the mire of our daily troubles and build a better, improved life!!!

First step is to put Fear aside!  Fear is a useless emotion for us, as is Worry and Anxiety!!!  Every minute wasted on fear and worry is a minute of time we will never get back!!

Step 2 is to Visualize what is is you want from your life!!!  Actually close your eyes and if you could watch a movie, in the future, of the life you WANT to be living, imagine and watch it transpire in front of you!!  Be as engrossed in it, as detailed as possible -- and that will bring you closer to that goal!!

Our minds are amazing  - and powerful beyond belief --- and they can be programmed (and re-programmed) to take us anywhere we want to go!!  It takes some effort, but the reward is well worth it!!

Mother Theresa is a perfect example of someone who threw herself into other's struggles and always seemed at Peace and Happy - despite living a life many of us would view as difficult and sacrificial!!

Take Control and Seize your opportunities!

Most importantly -- Have FAITH that you are being guided in this life and that there is so much more awaiting all of us when this journey is complete!!

Stay Strong!!

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