Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life is like a Riptide -- Prepare yourself well and survive!

I was informed by a relative that a woman she knew had recently drowned on Long Island as a result of a massive riptide that hit that beach. Despite being a strong swimmer, she succumbed to the currents and sadly she is no longer with us. It is believed that she went back in to save another person who was caught up in the current and was lost as a result.

A rip current, or riptide, is a strong channel of water flowing seaward from near the shore, typically through the surf line.[1] Typical flow is at 0.5 metres per second (1–2 feet per second), and can be as fast as 2.5 metres per second (8 feet per second). They can move to different locations on a beach break, up to tens of metres (a few hundred feet) a day. They can occur at any beach with breaking waves, including the world's oceans, seas, and large lakes.[2]

As an avid beach-goer my whole life, I have felt my share of riptides and my parents were very clear about teaching my siblings and me the proper way to avoid being caught up in one.  As I was imparting the same education on my 9 and 8 year old children in the aftermath of this tragedy, it dawned on me how closely a riptide resembles the struggles in our daily lives!

As defined above, a riptide is a strong powerful current that is normally created near breaking waves and can create a "tow" or "drag" seaward from the shore. It is easy to get caught up in these powerful currents and often times trying to swim against them is fruitless, dangerous, and as we witnesses recently, can be fatal as well.

As I look around at my friends and family, and indeed in my own life, many if not all of us are caught in a massive riptide right now!

A riptide of financial worry, health related worry, relationship strife, loss of loved ones, or a combination of all of these - the Perfect Storm of crisis and anxiety, and for some hopelessness!

As we were taught as children, the only way to avoid getting caught up and harmed by riptides (literal or figurative) is to go with the current temporarily and gently swim sideways away from the perpendicular flow of the current. 

What happens?? 

Eventually the power and force created by the breaking waves and crossing currents diminishes as it gets further away from the shore and you are able to gently pull out of it's drag.  Once you are out of it's pull and old path, you can get back to shore safely!

Well isn't this just plain ole common sense and sage advice for the riptides in our lives right now ??

If we try to struggle and fight and claw our away against the flow and current, we will quickly tire ourselves out and become exhausted, weakened, and ineffective in it's power to drag us where IT wants to go!

That is the Negativity Riptide!   We have to fight, but we have to fight smarter and more effectively to prevail -- flailing and panicking will not do the job!!

The key to beating a riptide (figuratively or literally) is to first RECOGNIZE the powerful current that grabs us and intends to do us harm!  Once we know what is occurring, we can execute what we prepared to do prior to the situation!

Once we recognize that powerful pull of negativity, we must not swim agianst it but ride it out without panicking or losing our composure!  Ride it a bit with the BELIEF that it will quickly lose it's power to pull you out to sea, drown you, or drag you where you do not want to be taken!

As you push aside the negative thoughts and FOCUS on the future - focus on the solutions necessary to get out of whatever predicament you find yourself - the power of the riptide will continue to weaken and finally you will be able to side-step it and swim back to the safety of the shore!

Riptides -- both in the ocean and in our lives - eventually lose their grip on us and disappear!!  It is HOW we react when we first encounter these riptides that determine our futures, the outcome of the situations, and the amount of time it will take us to get back to safety!

We are ALL lifeguards in this riptide world!  We must be vigilant and watch for out for our friends, family and loved ones who may be experiencing a riptide event in their lives!

As lifeguards WE MUST get off the beach and dive into that water with them and help them get through the currents that bombard, trap and threaten them daily!!!

Be the Hasselhoffs and the Pamela Andersons of this beach you oversee!!! 

Look around you -- the beach is open and the currents are fierce and our loved ones NEED us on alert, they NEED us on guard to help them back to the shore!

THIS is why we are here!!!   THIS is what will allow us to forget our own riptides in our lives and help us back to our own shores of safety!

If we let the currents overwhelm us and panic - and do not do what we have learned --- we are in serious trouble!!!

This Perfect Storm - these currents and conditions will pass for all of us! 

Just be ready for them when they hit and patrol your beaches -- and all will be well!!

Stay Strong!

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