Friday, June 4, 2010

I am sinking!

"But when he (Peter) saw the wind he was afraid, and beginning to sink he called out 'Lord, save me'. Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught  him."

How many times do we feel like we are sinking?

Life is hectic and challenging at best and often we find ourselves like Peter does in this passage - afraid, panicked, sinking....

Hours before Peter was at ease with Jesus and enjoying a nice day. Later, while trying to cross the Sea with his fellow Apostles, a mighty storm appeared out of nowhere and threatened to overtake and sink the boat.

They feared for their lives and did what we all do when faced with fear or harm....he called to Jesus to save him.

Peter could have swam for it. He could have taken his own route and taken matters into his own hands and said, "I will figure this out myself." 

But he did not do that.

He exercised his Faith and asked for help! 

He put his life in Jesus' hands.

And Jesus, who was not on the boat with them answered their call by crossing the Sea and catching them.

How symbolic of life is that story?

Just when things appear to be going well, out of the blue comes a danger, a challenge, a storm that threatens to harm us!

We must all do what Peter did that night in that storm - cry out "Lord, save me."

He will appear and He will catch you!

He always does and although at times it seems he does not hear our me, He does. And like Peter, no harm will come to you if you place your life - day to day - in His hands!

Stay Strong and call for help to He who will never abandon you in time of need!

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