Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Allegory of the Cave

I remember reading this piece of work from Plato as a "required" reading in High School and even back then it struck me as a tremendous lesson about life and how we SEE things from our own perspective and misunderstand illusions!

So much of our belief system is formed at such an early age and we are in fact "prisoners" of our surroundings - believing what people we "trust" tell us are Truths, Facts and Reality!

We rarely have a chance to challenge those "facts" and do not know anything different to compare them to anyway -even if we could.

Do not underestimate how powerful these early beliefs are and how ingrained the concepts of what we are and what our world means TO US become FACT as we become the people we actually become.

Whether they be the TRUTH or ILLUSION!!

Like the "prisoners" in the cave, we form a belief on what we "see" as we grow and rarely waver from those beliefs.

It is our responsibility however to escape those chains as we evolve and see that some of our old, ingrained beliefs may need adjusting-- or plain discarding altogether!

We need to open our minds to that fact!

So many of the problems, trials and challenges we face in our lives today are directly related to our "learned" belief system and once we have the strength and ability to realize that we create some of our own issues by believing what is not FACT, but merely illusions, we can change how we feel about our lives!!

Challenge what you were taught and learned -- open your heart and soul and mind to uncovering the TRUTH about what are lives are supposed to be! What our mission is on this earth for this short period of time! What we are supposed to be doing for each other and what MATTERS!!

Challenge your FEARS and realize that even if confronted with a situation that embodies ALL of your fears, worries, and anxieties - YOU WILL STILL SURVIVE IT!!!!

Think about that -- if EVERY FEAR you have and upon which you ruminate daily came to fruition --what would happen??

YOU would STILL survive - still go on with your life - and still have the Lord, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit there with you!!

That is worst case scenario!!!!!

Let the fear go -- nothing is your fault and even if it were something within our responsibility - it is no longer a REALITY!

Just because something occurred in the past, it does not mean we have to carry it with us the rest of our lives!!

We can DISCARD the item like an old tin can - IF we BELIEVE that we are worthy of it and if we summon the mental strength to say " It is NOT my fault. It is NOT who I am and I will NOT let it drive my life, my beliefs, my future and affect my God Given RIGHT to peace, Joy and happiness!"

We are ALL worthy of it - and if you feel you are not you must break those chains in your "cave" and understand that you are, in fact, not only Worthy - YOU ARE ENTITLED to and EXPECTED to open your eyes, turn away from the illusions, and accept your Joy, Peace and Happiness!!

It is God's Will - you can deny it and refuse to accept it -- but you CANNOT CHANGE THE FACT it has already been given to you and will ALWAYS be there for you to accept and recognize! No matter how hard or how often you refuse to embrace it!!

Will you accept it?

Keep fighting and Stay Strong!!

You are NEVER alone!


Anonymous said...

Hey hello! i've been following your blog and i really wanna thank you for all your motivating posts all these while. your posts really gave me the strength to pick myself up and keep moving forward whenever i'm feeling down. will continue to read them! cheers! =)

CIM said...

Thank you for your feedback! I am glad they are useful and serving the purpose! Best, ;)